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Second Annual SEL Resource Virtual Showcase

November 16


Hosted by SEL4MA, this virtual conference will include interactive plenary presentations, live breakout sessions, exhibit booths, and opportunities to network and connect with hundreds of conference participants.
Discover new approaches to strengthen and enhance social and emotional learning in your community. Learn from national experts and exchange tips with other local SEL champions in this dynamic professional development event.

Register Now

Topics will include:
  • Intersecting SEL, social Justice, and equity for successful engagement across school communities
  • Strategies for effective SEL from birth through grade 12
  • Educator self-care during stressful times
  • Innovative, interactive digital approaches to SEL
  • Using SEL assessments to inform instructional practice and data-driven decision-making
  • Funding sources to support SEL in schools and communities

Register at no charge. Join for all or part of the day. Take action now to ensure yourself a spot!

Please share this opportunity with your school and out-of-school time colleagues and partner organizations.


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Thriving, Not Just Surviving:
How Teachers & Counselors Can Support
Trans & Non-Binary Students at School



Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 3:30 pm (ET) 

What can teachers and counselors do to create and maintain positive, supportive classrooms where transgender and non-binary students can thrive? In this webinar, the third segment of MAEC’s “Thriving, Not Just Surviving” series, K-12 teachers and school counselors will share the practices, norms, and activities they bring to the classroom to support LGBTQIA+ students, especially trans and non-binary students.

MAEC’s webinar will:

  • Identify and describe actionable steps to create LGBTQIA+ friendly classrooms
  • Identify resources and best practices to support LGBTQIA+ students in school
  • Address how to model inclusive language and activities in the classroom
  • Increase educators' ability to intervene in and respond to harmful words and actions by students or others in schools



  • Carolyn Falcone, SAP Coordinator in Garnet Valley School District (PA)

  • Sarah Kamya, School Counselor at PS 191 – The Riverside School for Makers and Artists (NY)
  • Nichole Kaumann Mellus, Teacher in Garnet Valley School District (PA)
  • Jill Pedroso, Teacher in Upper Dublin Township (PA)
  • Sherry Scott, Counselor in Carroll County Public Schools (MD)



  • Marianna Stepniak, Program & Communications Associate at MAEC
  • Michelle Nutter, Senior Educational Equity Consultant at MAEC

Don't miss the rest of the "Thriving, Not Just Surviving" webinar series


WEBINAR 1: Centering the Needs of Trans and Non-Binary Students at School

Following a brief introduction of gender identity terminology, and an overview of the recent Title IX regulations, this webinar focused on a discussion with our trans and non-binary youth panelists on what educators and administrators can do to create and maintain positive, supportive school climates where LGBTQIA+ students can thrive.


WEBINAR 2: How Administrators can Support Trans and Non-Binary Students at School

In MAEC’s June webinar, a panel of trans and non-binary students identified what educators and administrators can do to create and maintain positive, supportive school climates where LGBTQIA+ students can thrive. This webinar focused on a discussion with school and district administrators on the policies and practices they have implemented to support LGBTQIA+ students at school.

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The Critical Urban Education Speaker Series
at Montclair State University presents
Dr. Rosa L. Rivera-McCutchen
with DJ Justis and Poet Alisha Diaz
Radical Care: Leading for Justice in Urban Schools 
Thursday, October 21 at 5:30 p.m. EST via Zoom
In her new book Radical Care: Leading for Justice in Urban Schools, Dr. Rosa L. Rivera-McCutchen argues that care, as typically described and enacted, is not sufficient for leading schools, particularly those serving Black and Latinx children. Instead, school leaders need to embrace radical care. During her talk, Dr. Rivera-McCutchen will outline the five components of radical care—adopting an antiracist stance, cultivating authentic relationships, believing in students’ and teachers’ capacity for excellence, leveraging power strategically, and embracing a spirit of radical hope—while sharing vignettes from her personal experiences and research that exemplify each of the components. Calling for educators to thoughtfully challenge existing structures that reproduce inequality, Radical Care offers a much-needed framework that will guide practice with a sense of urgency and a spirit of hope. Purchase the book here


This event is free and open to the public. ASL interpretation and live transcription will be provided.


The Critical Urban Education (CUE) Speaker Series is a bi-annual event bringing leading national scholars to Montclair State University. CUE provides a forum to develop attendees’ racial and political analysis through a series of lectures and workshops focused on social and cultural issues influencing urban schools and communities. Learn more and watch previous talks here.

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Fall Offerings

Set your intentions for this new year & join us for one of our latest workshops!



Loving Me Enough to Just Be: Honoring the Self to Authentically Develop Your Capacity

September 14th or 16th at 7pm EST

Has your school asked you to take care of yourself, moments before sending another long list of things you must do on top of all of your actual responsibilities? Are you feeling burned out and overworked already?

Anti-racist practitioners understand the importance of resisting grind culture to honor their care. This live workshop is a call to action for all educational practitioners. It will empower, inspire, and motivate all participants to shift their mindsets toward wellness as a point of entry for developing an anti-racist praxis. The Loving Me to Just Be session will also challenge schooling institutions to evaluate their culture and values to reimagine new systems where educators can thrive as their authentic selves. Sign Up Today 

5 Considerations for Anti-Racist LGBTQ+ Affirming Schools 

September 21st or 29th at 7pm EST 

 Price: $125 


Move from one-off LGBTQ+ implementation to a more systemic, intersectional and equitable approach.


Join educator Bex Mui, M. Ed (she/her), creator of Decolonizing Gender, to gain practical yet transformative skills through these 5 key considerations.


School leaders and admin will also be guided through action planning that meets them where they are, highlighting achievable steps towards creating a more welcoming school for all.

Register now!

Self-Paced Mini-Courses

Learn With Us
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Resources for Teaching 9/11 & New Live Workshops

Curated by: Ashley Y. Lipscomb, Brittany Spatz, and Mary T. Perez 

Resources for Caring for Muslim Students When Teaching 9/11

by AYL

As we embark upon the 20th anniversary of 9/11, we are reminded by Teaching While Muslim that Muslim students and their families are still suffering the consequences of the “War on Terror” and are witnessing the oppressive tactics and policies against Muslim nations from the very country they live in. On top of all of this, Muslim students are still living in a global pandemic, those living in New Orleans and the northeast are still recovering from the devastation of hurricane Ida, facing legal discrimination against women in Texas, watching the heartache in Afghanistan persists, protesting for a free Palestine, and so much more. I center all of this as a reminder that Muslim students across our country and the globe are holding a lot this year, which means that anti-racist educators actively care for and center the experiences of Muslim students and their families by doing the work!

Below are some great resources to help guide you:


Muslim Studies Curriculum: a collaborative project between CAIR-NJ and Teaching While Muslim: a K-12 resource that provides rationales, essential questions, enduring understandings, misconceptions, classroom resources, background resources, books, and so much more!


Learning for Justice Resources: a quick search query with several articles, lesson plans, and approaches for combating Islamophobia when teaching 9/11. 


Critical Connections: an approach to teaching 9/11 while caring for Muslim students and their families. 

What We're Reading

Special Coaching Offer

Need some more support?
To assist with your back-to-school lesson planning, we are offering a HUGE discount on our one-to-one coaching. Until September 30th, you can receive private coaching for only $35. That is hands-on feedback for lesson plans, unit plans, questions you have, processing what is happening, etc.

Don't Miss Our Live Workshop Next Week!

Have you ever felt overextended and burned out? Has your school asked you to take care of yourself and then send another long list of things you must do on top of all of your other responsibilities?  

Anti-racist practitioners understand the importance of resisting grind culture to honor your care. This live workshop is a call to action for all educational practitioners. I
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Returning to School:

Strategies for Reengaging Students

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM ET

Attention: State and District Leaders, Staff, Educators, Parents, and Education Stakeholders

The U.S. Department of Education is hosting a webinar series to support educational settings in safely sustaining or returning to in-person instruction. The series features lessons learned and best practices from faculty, staff, schools, districts, institutions of higher education, early childhood education providers, and other places of educational instruction describing approaches to operating during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On behalf of the U.S. Department of Education (ED), Office of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) invites you to join the next webinar, Returning to School: Strategies for Reengaging Students.

Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Time: 3:00 - 4:00 pm EST

Please join us as we explore information from the U.S. Department of Education on strategies for reconnecting with students returning to school this Fall. Following the Department’s presentation, field- based practitioners will share strategies they have found effective to reengage students through outreach and sustained connections.


  • Jessica Cardichon: Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development, S. Department of Education
  • Kyle Hartung: Associate Vice President, JFF
  • Angélica Infante-Green: Commissioner, Rhode Island Department of Education

Related Documents

This event will reference the following resources, which we encourage you to access in advance of the webinar to inform participation:

For your reference, slides for this presentation will be posted on the event webpage on the day of the event. The recording will be posted a day after.


You must register to participate in this presentation.

Register Here!

Please contact NCSSLE if you have any questions. We look forward to sharing this information with you and hearing from you about the important work you are doing in your schools, communities, and states to meet the needs of your students and staff as they return to in-person learning.

More on the Lessons from the Field Webinar Series

Archived Events: To access archived materials from previous Lessons from the Field webinars, go here.

Upcoming Webinars: Due to popular demand, the Lessons from the Field Webinar Series has been extended to run through September 2021. Stay tuned for additional details on upcoming webinars that will assist American educators in ensuring a safe and supportive transition back to in-person learning.

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Rising from Challenges to SELutions
Texas’s Inaugural Statewide SEL Conference!

September 15

Hosted by SEL4TX, this virtual event provides a full day of high quality sessions presented by SEL thought leaders from around the nation and across the state. At a time when challenges in education have reached an all-time high, the need for SEL in schools has never been greater.

All education professionals are welcome. The conference is perfect for district, school, and classroom educators who are preparing to implement SEL approaches and programs in the coming school year. This unique and timely conference will leave participants feeling inspired and equipped to Rise From Challenges to SELutions!
Early Bird (before August 1, 2021) – $99
After August 1, 2021 – $119
CEs offered for most education professionals!
  • Teachers
  • Counselors
  • School/district administrators
  • School psychologists/LSSPs
  • Social Workers

Learn more and register.

National 2021 SEL Conference Access Pass

August 2 –15

SEL4PA and CPSEL invite you to prepare for back-to-school by viewing recorded sessions from their 2021 National Social and Emotional Learning Conference.

The Center for the Promotion of Social and Emotional Learning’s (CPSEL) National Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Conference Access Pass provides access to 32 video recordings of sessions offered during the conference. Presenters include researchers, practitioners, and other leaders in the SEL field. Sessions focus on a variety of aspects of SEL for teachers and students, building and district leaders, as well as researchers and educators in higher education.

Access open Monday, August 2, 12 a.m. EDT – Sunday, August 15, 11:59 p.m. EDT. Cost is only $100. Learn more and register.

Join the August SEL Showcase Challenge

Share your August 2021 SEL showcase on Friday, August 27th with a social media post using #SELshowcase and tagging @SEL4USA and @caselorg so we can feature you.

August 2021 Challenge

How will you leverage American Rescue Plan Act dollars to advance social and emotional learning? Share one priority area for SEL investment for your school or district.


We can't wait to see your posts, celebrate SEL with you, and share your showcases on our SEL Showcase Challenge page!

Upcoming Challenge Calendar

Ready to help spread the word about the monthly SEL Showcase Challenge? Check out our Challenge Calendar with topics and prompts for the next few months.

Revisit our SEL Showcase Challenge page throughout the year to see how the SEL community around the world is celebrating SEL. Learn more and sign up today!

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Statewide Conference on Segregation, Education & Opportunity in NJ


The Problem of School Segregation & What We Can do About it

Friday, September 24, 2021

September 24 is the anniversary of the day federal troops were deployed to integrate Little Rock High School.
Here in New Jersey, 64 years later, we have the shameful distinction of being more segregated by race and class than almost any state of the former confederacy.
Why is this? is it accidental, coincidence? Is it by choice or just the result of a segregated residential market.

Why should we care? What's the harm? And how does it affect me, my family and my community?

What can be done? Are there solutions? What are they and what can I do?

The conference on September 24 will explore all of these questions with facts, data, history and analysis from experts, practitioners and constituency leaders. And it and it will present a series of proposals for legislative action that can powerfully move us in a different direction in New Jersey.

The event will go from 10:00 to 3:00 PM. Lunch will be included. There is a fee of $75 to cover costs including meals. Discounts are available for members of affiliated organizations, sponsors and students. 


Racial segregation in schools is a structure and a system made by people that can be dismantled by people. It is more than just residential segregation and it harms more than just those who are segregated.

It has devastating consequences for the segregated, but it harms us all in a myriad of profound ways, politically, economically and morally, 

Friday, September 24 at 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The Conference Center at Mercer

Mercer County Community College

1200 Old Trenton Road, West Windsor, NJ 08550

PRE-REGISTER HERE: For this live gathering of faith, community, political & policy leaders.


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For More Information, Please Click HERE

Click Here to Register

Click Here to Submit a Proposal


2021 Annual Conference welcoming educators committed to school-university partnerships,

clinical practice, and education in a democracy.

About This Event:  On the heels of a global pandemic, worsening climate crisis, and a broader realization of systemic racism, we return to a semblance of pre-pandemic activities yet find we are surrounded by new, emerging questions. Co-hosted by the National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) and the National Center for Clinical Practice in Educator Preparation (NCCPEP), our 2021 Annual Conference invites all educators to gather again to share common space affirmed by a common purpose. We’ve chosen to not flee from the harshness but to turn to our schools, universities, organizations, and communities and be honest and “open” to the courage and morality integral to the teaching profession.

Wednesday, November 3rd – Friday, November 5th, 2021

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Professional Development Opportunity- Climate Change for K-12 Teachers


Educators at the NJ School of Conservation (Sussex County) are offering professional development for K-12 teachers focused on climate change.


Three different workshops are available for various grade levels/content areas. Each workshop is designed to help classroom teachers incorporate the new climate change standards in their teaching in the 2021-2022 school year and beyond.


More details are available on the NJSOC website. Registration is through Eventbrite.

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Teacher Education & Teacher Development

PhD Program


Information Webinar

Tuesday, June 15th

5 p.m.


For more information and to register:

Click Here

The PhD in Teacher Education & Teacher Development is the first of its kind in the region and one of only a few in the country.  Based on the most current research on how teachers learn to teach in multicultural contexts and how they develop professionally, the program offers a unique opportunity for those who seek to develop necessary expertise to assume leadership roles in educational settings nationwide. 


Applicants come from a variety of professional settings and bring considerable experience into the classroom.  This combines with the expertise of program faculty to provide an engaging, rigorous program of study. 


Meet program faculty and gain insight into how this program can help you reach your professional goals.


Questions?  Email Marcia Adirim

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