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The Montclair Public Forum is an interdisciplinary discussion series on pressing social and political issues. Our next event, on March 24, at 5:30pm, is centered on the question 'How Do We (Mis)Understand Critical Race Theory In The Classroom?' The panel of scholars, educators and journalists will consider this question from a New Jersey perspective. Please see the attached flyer.
Our Montclair State hosts for this event will be Dr. Tanya Maloney (Teaching and Learning) and Dr. Kirk Johnson (Justice Studies).
The event is open to the public, but people must register first (the link can be found on the flyer as well): 
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The office of Professional Resources in Science and Mathematics (PRISM) in the College of Science and Mathematics at Montclair State University provides professional development and support for teachers of science and mathematics in New Jersey.  In order to make our offerings as meaningful as possible, we'd like to hear from you and learn more about your district and school needs. 
Please take a few moments and complete our brief PD needs survey by clicking hereIyou have any questions and/or if you'd like to connect in person, please reach out to Nicole Weir, Assistant Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics at

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your response to our survey.
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Announcing TEN Honors

TEN Honors Flyer png.png
Dear Colleagues,
The Transformative Education Network (TEN) at Montclair State University prepares, supports and develops teachers who teach toward antiracism and social justice. TEN’s three programs, The Urban Teacher Residency (UTR), The Newark Teacher Project (NTP) and the Critical Urban Education Speaker Series (CUE) have a shared mission of advancing racial justice in education, offering critical professional development, and actively creating an expanding network of anti-racist educators across our partner districts. We are happy to announce the TEN Honors as a way to recognize our alumni and partner district teachers who are advancing racial and social justice within their classrooms.

We invite any educators who teach in the Newark Board of Education or Orange Public Schools, or who are alumni of Montclair State University’s Transformative Education Networks teacher ed programs, UTR, NTP, or WWTF, to submit artifacts exemplifying how they promote racial or social justice in their curriculum. The deadline for submitting artifacts using this Google form is April 15, 2022.

If you would like to nominate someone else you know who is doing racial and/or social justice teaching in their classroom and meets the eligibility requirements, please complete the nomination section of the Google Form by March 1, 2022 so that we can reach out and invite them to submit artifacts.

TEN will honor two educators at our 2022 June Gathering where they will each share their project, be featured in the TEN Newsletter, and receive a special gift.

In the spirit of collaboration and to continue to grow the network of educators within the TEN community, selected entries will be added to a shared Google drive so that teachers have access to the lessons created and we can continue to inspire one another in this work.

> February 1 - April 15: Accepting submissions
> March 1 - Nominations Due
> June 1 -  Educators notified
> June 17 - TEN end of year celebration

> Currently teaching within the PK-12 grade span

> Are in a NBOE or OPS school, or an alum of MSU’s UTR, NTP, or WWTF

> Available to present at program or willing to record a video presentation if selected

Submission Requirements:
> Submissions should provide the committee with robust evidence as to what teaching for social and/or racial justice looks like in your classroom and may include any combination of the following: lesson plans, unit plans, curriculum overviews, instructional materials, short video recordings, and/or student work.

> Teaching artifacts must have been implemented within the last three years. Artifacts that are not created by the applicant should be properly cited (i.e. a Rethinking Schools lesson or a lesson from NJ’s Amistad curriculum)

> Complete the Google form to submit your artifacts and complete application

The TEN Team
Transformative Education Network (TEN)
Center of Pedagogy, Montclair State University
Main #: 973-655-6893 | University Hall - Suite 1160
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Montclair State University's Graduate K12 Computer Science teaching certificate program information session has been rescheduled to:
7 p.m. -  8 p.m. Tues 2/8
7 p.m. -  8 p.m. Wed. 2/9
4 p.m. - 5 p.m. Sun 2/13
4 p.m. -  5 p.m. Wed 2/16
Please complete this RSVP FORM to attend.
An email with a zoom link will be sent to confirm your attendance.

Note: If you are interested in starting this spring 2022, our first course, TLRN 500 Computational Thinking will start 2/28. 
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Muslim American Teacher Survey


Research Participants Wanted

Reclaiming ME, a Muslim Educators Research Collective, is conducting the first national study of Muslim American teachers.  


Are you a Muslim American teacher? Do you know a Muslim American teacher? 


  We are looking for folks who: 

  • self-identify as Muslim (with varying degrees of religiosity or who identify with Muslim as a cultural category)

  • represent any racial or ethnic background

  • teach in public K-12 schools in the U.S. 

  • are adults over 18 years of age who can provide consent

  • would be willing to complete a 15-20 minute online survey


Participants are invited to complete a 15-20 minute survey. They will be asked to answer questions about their own experiences as teachers. 

We are raffling off two iPads and all participants who complete the survey are eligible to enter the raffle.

Questions, please contact:


This study has been approved by Montclair State University’s Institutional Review Board IRB-FY17-18-983


Please use the QR Code to access the survey. 



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Dr. Carla Shalaby


Author of Troublemakers: Lessons in Freedom from Young Children at School

with DJ Justis 

and featuring Poet Florence Faison


Thursday, February 24 at 6:00 p.m. EST via Zoom



If classroom management is a curriculum – a series of lessons students learn from us – this talk invites us to ask: what do we teach now through our classroom management, and what we might want to teach instead? We will consider the troubling relationships between traditional classroom management approaches and carcerality, and begin to wonder how intentionally shifting our models of power and authority in the classroom might instead support the teaching and learning of freedom. By seeing our troublemakers as a resource to leverage instead of a problem to solve, this talk invites us to imagine classrooms as a space in which we might practice the world we want by rejecting disposability in favor of the struggle for love, justice, care, and healing. Purchase the book here.


This event is free and open to the public. ASL interpretation and live transcription will be provided.


The Transformative Education Network (TEN) at Montclair State University prepares, supports and develops teachers who teach toward antiracism and social justice. A part of TEN, the Critical Urban Education (CUE) Speaker Series is a bi-annual event bringing leading national scholars to Montclair State University. CUE provides a forum to develop attendees’ racial and political analysis through a series of lectures and workshops focused on social and cultural issues influencing urban schools and communities. Learn more and watch previous talks here.



Critical Urban Education Speaker Series

Join our mailing list!

Instagram: @transformativeeducationnetwork

Facebook: @cuespeakerseries

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The MSU/Educational Leadership Program has a Full-time, 12-month instructional specialist position in the Education Leadership Program starting July 2022. Appointment includes collaborative curriculum development and teaching in a variety of modalities, as well as the expectation of participating in department, college, and university committees and activities. This is a non-tenure track position which is eligible for multi-year appointments.

Our program mission is to prepare culturally competent professionals for leadership roles in preK-12 education. We prepare leaders who partner with communities, staff, and families, promote equity within schools, and advance a democratic vision for teaching, learning, administration, and leadership. We are looking for a colleague who centers equity and justice in teaching. We offer an academic and experiential graduate program to prepare leaders in the areas of administration; visioning; strategic planning; assessment & evaluation; law; finance; diversity; data analysis/action research; personnel/human resources; ethics; curriculum management; instructional leadership; and supervision. We seek a colleague who can help us in our work to centralize equity and justice in our curriculum.      
Please click on the link below:
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Event Information

Join us for an online screening & interactive discussion of the documentary: Resilience, The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope

About this event

When: November 17, 2021, 4:00pm-5:00pm ET

You will receive the link to watch the film on your own between November 12-16. Then, join us for an interactive, virtual discussion about how New Jersey can address Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs) in our children.


  • Robin Cogan, MEd, RN, NCSN, FAAN - New Jersey School Nurse, New Jersey State School Nurses Association Legislative Co-Chair, and Author of The Relentless School Nurse
  • Angel Santiago, Elementary School Teacher, 2021 New Jersey Teacher of the Year
  • Mary Reece, Ed.D., Director of Special Projects at the Foundation for Educational Administration and New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association
  • Amanda Adams, Associate Director of Professional Development and Instructional Issues Division, and New Jersey Education Association Priority Schools Initiative Coordinator

Moderated by Dwana M. Young, MPA, New Jersey Department of Children and Families, Office of Resilience

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New Grant Opportunity for Teachers!

We are excited to announce the launch of the Social-Emotional Development Integration and Learning Cohort Grant Program, provided by SEL4NJ and supported by the New York Jets.

Please find more details below and please be sure to visit our website for the full Request for Proposal (RFP), and application details.

Please feel free to share with your colleagues (and remind them to join SEL4NJ)!

The grant opportunity is open to any New Jersey teacher or team of teachers from the same school or district for professional study leading to the integration of social, emotional, and character development in their classroom, school, or district.

SEL4NJ will award grants up to $1,500 for professional learning opportunities related to SEL for teachers and teams of applicants are eligible for grants up to $2,500. Proposals that address how equity will be integrated and promoted will be given special consideration.

The grant application is due by December 10, 2021, at 11:59 pm. EST. For more information and application requirements, visit our website at

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