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Program Description The purpose of the Center of Pedagogy Leadership Associates Program is to work toward developing a critical mass of leaders from the public schools, from the arts and sciences, and from teacher education who understand and are committed to the goals of simultaneous renewal of schools and to the education of educators. 

Leadership Associates will work to deepen their understanding of the moral dimensions of teaching—stewardship, access, nurturing pedagogy, and democracy—and to collaborate with P-12 faculty and administrators and university education and arts/science faculty toward the renewal of schools and the preparation of educators. We will examine our roles in our respective institutions to become more effective agents for change, and propose and undertake an inquiry project to work towards these ends. 


The Leadership Associates program will be held from July 10-14, 2017 on the campus of Montclair State University. Applications are now available for the 2017 program.


The compensation for full participation in the program during the summer and academic year will be $600 per participant.  In addition, all educational materials and food (light breakfast and full lunch) will be provided.


Participants will be selected for the program by a screening committee and great efforts will be made to achieve a balance among faculty and administrators from the university and the public schools.  Every attempt will be made to achieve as wide a district representation as possible.  Administrator/teacher teams are encouraged to apply. 


To apply, please complete and submit the following online application:

2017 Leadership Associates Program Application - Due April 14, 2017

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Job Title: TLRN University Mentor

Working Title: University Mentor, U Mentor

Application: Click here


Job Description

TLRN University Mentors, “U Mentors,” are assigned to clinical teacher interns who are in their clinical year of the teacher education program. U Mentors provide support in the form of feedback, resources to deepen their knowledge and skills, and liaise with cooperating teachers, seminar faculty, and MSU colleagues to ensure interns have a network of support as they develop their ability to be ready to teach. They attend annual Clinical Prep Week events in order to prepare for the upcoming academic year. U Mentors also are provided opportunities to attend monthly meetings, University events, and technology training sessions.

For Academic Year ’22-’23, the goal is for mentors to be observing in person in the classrooms. Mentors should expect to meet the requirements of the schools, such as proof of COVID vaccination and/or testing, and COVID surveys/forms prior to observations. Mentors will determine observation formats with the intern and cooperating teacher.

TLRN University Mentors observe and mentor interns over the course of the clinical year. One full intern assignment involves mentor supervision of intern teachers in their field placements six (6) times during the semester or year depending on the program. University Mentors are expected to communicate with cooperating teachers before, during, or after each observation. Mentors complete six formal progress reports and a summary report for each intern in the MSU-issued platforms. This is currently calculated as thirteen (13) hours of work; six (6) hours for supervision and four (7) hours for reports.



As per NJ DOE’s state code, 6A:9A-4.4 Clinical component and candidate supervision for CEAS educator preparation programs:

  • Have had experience supervising, consulting, or otherwise working in an elementary and/or secondary school in contact with classroom teachers within the previous two years for all instructional certificate programs with the exception of the preschool endorsement; for preschool programs, the supervisor shall have had experience supervising, consulting, or otherwise working in an early childhood setting.
  • Demonstrated expertise in the field the U Mentor is supervising.


U Mentor Programs & Compensation for Academic Year ‘22-’23


  1. P‐3/K‐6 – Clinical II
    • Includes both undergraduate and graduate interns
    • 6 observations per intern assigned during their Clinical II semester
    • Stipend of $466.30 per assignment


2.  P‐12/Subject Area – Yearlong

  • Includes both undergraduate and graduate interns
  • Per intern, 2 observations in Clinical I, 4 observations in Clinical II
  • Payment:
    • $77 per assignment during Clinical I
    • $53 per assignment during Clinical II



The total number of interns assigned per semester depends on enrollment numbers, certification and concentration areas of interns, and the number of interns a mentor elects to be assigned. Further, mentor pairing is done concurrently with the onset of a future semester, and may be subject to change.


Retirement & benefits

  • For public school Teachers/Administrators regarding retirement benefits:
    • Please be reassured that your benefits are not in jeopardy by serving as an education mentor for Montclair State University, as the University operates under a different benefits system. State officials have confirmed your security regarding this matter to us in writing. You can learn more about this by viewing the state Pension Department Web site Fact Sheet #28, where it says:

●        Returning to work in a position covered by a different NJ State‐administered retirement system:

  • In this case, your retirement allowance continues and you can receive a salary but you cannot become a member of that retirement system.

●        Further questions should be directed to MSU’s HR Benefits


U Mentor Commitment to the TLRN Mission


U Mentors serve as representatives of the MSU Teacher Education Program and reflect the TLRN mission:


The Department of Teaching and Learning is committed to preparing educators to work toward equity and justice in a range of education settings, and against the exploitation, exclusion, and marginalization of humans. We aim to do so by combining well‐informed educational approaches and teaching strategies with critical examination of relevant sociopolitical contexts. Thus, we are committed to helping current and future teachers as they engage in well‐informed ways of thinking about their worlds. Our hope is that this will enable them to make sense of, and take action in, complex social moments and settings. This includes respecting the perspectives and experiences of students, teachers and community members who may identify themselves in any variety of ways. In addition, we recognize that thoughtful educational praxis requires thinking and action at multiple levels: individual, communal, and systemic. We are dedicated to helping teachers as they make meaningful connections between classroom practice, theories and research, educational policy, and the sociopolitical contexts within which individuals and groups exist.


U Mentors agree to advocate for, model, and engage the tenets of the TLRN mission through their work with interns. These tenets are evidenced in the Portrait of a Teacher that informs the teacher preparation programming at MSU.


MSU Portrait of a Teacher


Montclair State University is committed to the creation and development of teachers who strive to exemplify the knowledge, skills and dispositions required for excellence in teaching.


The centerpiece of our work is a document called the Portrait of a Teacher, which, through a series of statements, embodies Montclair State University’s vision of an educator and informs the evaluation of candidates to the teacher education program, the assessment of student teaching, and the professional development of our community of teachers.


Montclair State University envisions teachers who:


1.  Have expert knowledge of subject area content and relevant pedagogy:

  • Have a deep understanding of the major concepts and principles of the disciplines they teach.
  • Have extensive knowledge of the research, teaching methodologies, technologies, core learning standards, and resources specific to those disciplines
  • Possess broad‐based knowledge within and across the liberal arts to situate their teaching in current and historical global contexts
  • Demonstrate exemplary literacy and communication skills; can speak and write English fluently and communicate clearly and appropriately


  1. Understand learning and development as complex processes that take place across the lifespan:
    • Understand how children, adolescents and adults learn and develop in a variety of school, family and community contexts
    • Know, evaluate and apply relevant theories of learning to teaching practice
    • Take initiative to know each student as a unique individual who brings varied backgrounds, strengths, needs, and perspectives to learning


  1. Apply knowledge of learners, disciplinary content, pedagogy, and assessment to teach effectively:
    • Provide culturally and linguistically responsive instruction that respects diversity of ability, age, class, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, and sexual orientationto support the academic achievement of all students
    • Plan and implement rigorous instruction that engages all students in meaningful and challenging learning
    • Promote creative thinking, critical thinking, and critical consciousness within and beyond the classroom
    • Create curriculum, instruction, materials and assessments that are universally designed and accessible to support the intellectual, social and personal development of all students
    • Use multiple forms of assessment to measure and evaluate impact on student learning, achievement and progress, and to inform instruction



4.  Create democratic learning communities that are engaging, caring, respectful, and inclusive:

  • Model attitudes, values and behaviors that promote democratic practice and participation in the classroom
  • Create supportive and empathetic learning environments that are safe spaces conducive to learning
  • Facilitate learning through effective, shared classroom management


  1. Embrace leadership roles to create collaborative partnerships with school colleagues, families, and agencies in the community to support students’ learning and well‐being:
    • Join with other school professionals to plan and implement strategies that meet the needs of all learners
    • Consistently communicate and work with families to establish shared expectations for students and to engage families in the school community
    • Seek and use resources available through community and local institutions to actively build partnerships that enhance instruction and learning


6.  Demonstrate dispositions critical to the teaching profession:

  • Believe that all children can learn and should have equitable access to knowledge
  • Are reflective practitioners who remain active in the profession, and continually inquire into the nature of teaching and learning to improve their teaching practice
  • Advocate for students and for educational policies that support best practice
  • Demonstrate integrity, honesty and understanding of professional ethics, roles and responsibilities
  • Demonstrate passion for teaching, lifelong learning, and commitment to the mentoring of future teachers
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PROGRAM DATES:  JULY 13-17, 2015



The Leadership Associates Program is designed to develop leadership and research skills in participants from the public schools, faculty from the Arts and Sciences, and from teacher education, who understand and are committed to the goals of simultaneous renewal of the schools and to the education of educators.

Collaboration among the P-12 school partners, MSU faculty in the Arts and Sciences and in Teacher Education, will require participants to examine their roles in their respective institutions and propose and undertake an inquiry project towards achieving the goals of the program.

Candidates Will Be Notified By:  May 23, 2015



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MSU Administration policies and procedures require that if you wish to receive campus privileges AS A CLINICAL FACULTY MEMBER, you must re-apply for a Campus-Wide ID number (CWID) and activate your Net ID EACH YEAR.

The MSUNER is currently in the process of  e-mailing the CWID application form for the 2013-14 academic year to all current Clinical Faculty members.

  • If you are a current MSU graduate student or MSU teaching adjunct faculty and already have a CWID and Net ID, please DO NOT complete this form.
  • Only current Clinical Faculty members should complete and submit the CWID Application Form and only if they agree to activate their net ID to receive an MSU e-mail.
  • You must activate your Net ID within 2 weeks of receiving your CWID in order to receive campus privileges offered through the MSUNER. Instructions for activating your Net ID will be provided when you receive your CWID from the MSUNER.
  • Please make sure that you have submitted your most current professional e-mail address to the MSUNER. You may update your information by contacting: Please include your full name, district, and your updated e-mail.

The CWID application form may also be accessed using this link: Campus Wide ID Application Form

Please know that all information provided is strictly confidential and security measures are in place to protect your privacy.

Please contact the MSUNER Office at 973-655-5231 with any questions you may have. Thank you!

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Attention teachers interested in obtaining Clinical Faculty Status as well as appointed members that still need to complete the 3 required Clinical Faculty Workshops!10813987661?profile=originalThe MSUNER will be offering all 3 required Clinical Faculty Workshops in June. 


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PRISM at Montclair State University is giving away FREE "Grow and Learn" plant growth kits at their office in NJ.  Each boxed kit has 80 peat pots packaged as "pods" containing seeds in paper planting strips, labeled tags for all 20 different kinds of vegetable and herb seeds, with pellets of growing medium, and are ideal for children.  Take one kit for a class or several for a school or community garden, as long as the supply lasts.


YouTube videos provide step-by-step instructions:  Grow and learn with seed pods!

Also, use the GROW & LEARN app in the App Store.  The seed pods are each coded for scanning and use in the app, which has extensive instructions and activities for kids.


Pick up at PRISM offices in Bloomfield on April 27, 28, 29, May 5, and May 6 between 2:00 and 4:30 pm. 


Email first to let us know you are coming!  Multiple sets of kits can be taken for many classes, but please reserve and come soon.

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Dear Teachers,

We would like to introduce you and your students to the North American Computational Linguistics
Olympiad (NACLO,

NACLO is a pencil and paper contest in which students use analytical skills to solve puzzles in
languages that they do not know. In the course of solving the puzzles, students learn something
about the structure of human languages and how computers can process them. The contest introduces
students to possible careers in linguistics, languages, and computer science.

Who can participate in NACLO? The target audience for NACLO is students in 9th through 12th grade.
However, middle school students often enjoy the contest as well, and occasionally win. All students
are eligible as long as they are under 20 years old, do not yet have a high school diploma, and are
not enrolled in a degree program at a college or university. NACLO has no prerequisites and no
registration fee.

What kinds of students are interested in NACLO? Typical NACLO participants enjoy puzzles and
languages. Any students who enjoy the sample puzzles on the attached flyers are good candidates for
NACLO. Good places to start looking for NACLO participants are math classes, language classes,
computer classes, and gifted programs.

NACLO timeline:

1.  Registration is now open at
2. The NACLO open round is on January 25, 2018. Details can be found on the web site.
3. The top 100 students from the open round will participate in an invitational round on March 8,
4. Approximately 15 students will be selected for training sessions via teleconference in April and
5. Eight students will be chosen to represent the US at the International Linguistics Olympiad
( in Prague, Czech Republic, in July-August 2018.

How to Prepare for NACLO: Students can practice with past exams from the NACLO web site.

How to Participate: Please see the 2018 handbook at:

If you would like a flyer and a poster for advertising, please, contact Anna Feldman

We hope that you and your students enjoy the contest!
Lori Levin
NACLO general co-chair
Research Professor at the Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Dragomir Radev
NACLO program chair and head coach
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Linguistics University of Michigan

Anna Feldman
NACLO Montclair State University Site Coordinator Professor of Linguistics & Computer Science
Montclair State University


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