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PRISM 2016 Math Workshops
Certificates provided for PD hours
$150 per workshop/person
10% discount for MSUNER districts
Date Topics
Dec. 20 Navigating 2016-17 Mathematics Standards: Teaching for Understanding with a Focus on Instruction and Assessment Updates, Grades 7-10
Come learn updated information through a hands-on look at lessons and Performance Tasks with instructional strategies that focus on algebraic reasoning and sense making for middle and high school students. Real world applications will be provided through multimedia resources that help students and teachers meet the current Mathematics Standards and State Assessment expectations.
Facilitator: Deborah L. Ives, Ed.D., K-12 Educational Consultant
Jan. 10 Teaching for Understanding fractions: Content knowledge, instruction, and assessment, Grades 4-6
This session will engage the participants in active learning of fractions and fraction operations concepts. The high cognitive demand of all session activities will surely enhance every participants’ existing library of effective fraction tasks. Common student misconceptions and instructional approaches to address them will be discussed. In particular, this session will focus on the development of conceptual knowledge of fraction multiplication and division, and present activities that can help students make sense of algorithms like “invert and multiply” or “divide across.” State grade level curriculum and assessment expectations will be addressed.
Facilitator: Eliza Leszczynski, Ed. D., K-12 Educational Consultant
Jan. 13 Teaching for understanding ratios and proportions: Content knowledge, instruction, and assessment, Grades 6-8
In this session, we will delve deeper into concepts related to the teaching and learning of ratios and proportions. Across-the-grades development of procedural fluency from conceptual understanding of ratios will be presented using performance tasks and applications. The participants will examine multiple representations of ratios (e.g., ratio tables, double number lines, graphs, tape diagrams) and explore how each representation develops students’ multiplicative reasoning. Teaching practices focused on sense making of procedures like “cross multiplication” will be discussed. State grade level curriculum and assessment expectations will be addressed.
Facilitator: Eliza Leszczynski, Ed.D., K-12 Educational Consultant
Jan. 20 Measurement: How do your students measure?, Grades 2-5
Do your students struggle with measurement (length, area, and volume)? Discover research-based and classroomtested tasks you can use to help students think about geometric measurement (length, area and volume) in a meaningful way. Explore a learning trajectory approach to students’ conceptual development of measurement. Take aways include how to conduct formative assessments that elicit and interpret student work on measurement tasks as well as unique instructional suggestions to use in the classroom. Topics will incorporate new standards and aligned classroom practices.
Facilitator: Nicole Panorkou, PhD, Assistant Professor Department of Mathematical Sciences
Jan. 27 Cognitive Power & Problem Solving Potential Using Addition & Subtraction
Grades K-2
Don’t miss this informative workshop! Use the basic underlying structure of addition and subtraction word problems to develop students’ problem solving abilities. Discover Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI math), an approach to teaching mathematics that uses students' own mathematical thinking as the basis for instruction. CGI will help you know when to push, when to hold back, and how to make a problem easier or harder. Learn to conduct formative assessments that use information from each child’s own solutions and how to best use student data to individualize instruction. Support your students’ ability to make sense of problems in their own ways!
Facilitator: Nicole Panorkou, PhD - Assistant Professor Department of Mathematical Sciences
Feb. 3 Early Algebra Teaching Strategies for New Standards, Grades 4-6
Join us for a hands-on exploration of how you can help your students develop their functional thinking skills! Did you know the CCSS-M calls for students to express functional relationships between patterns by Grade 5? Explore pattern relationships with different representations such as tables, double number lines and graphs. Inform your teaching using real examples from classroom videos and investigations of current student work. Discuss relationships between patterns, such as covariation and correspondence, that can help your students develop a robust early understanding of functions.
Facilitator: Nicole Panorkou, PhD - Assistant Professor Department of Mathematical Sciences
Feb. 10 Equal Groups and Fair Sharing: Developing Students’ Early Multiplicative Thinking
Grades K-2
How can students develop multiplicative thinking before formal instruction on multiplication and division? Investigate the hidden richness of fair sharing and equal groups by exploring a variety of tasks and students’ strategies. Discover ways you can help students make multiplicative comparisons and build strong foundations for their learning of multiplication and division, as well as fractions! All workshop material will incorporate state standards and current best practices.
Facilitator: Nicole Panorkou, PhD – Assistant Professor Department of Mathematical Sciences
May 5 Subtraction Woes: The Old Way and the New Way of Regrouping, Grades 1-3
Are you, your students, and their parents overwhelmed with the new way of regrouping? It’s not just crossing out and moving numbers around, as many of us learned. Discover effective ways to develop your students’ understanding of regrouping and investigate helpful strategies to teach regrouping for both addition and subtraction. Look at common core and curricular standards and learn how to help your students make sense of regrouping with an army of strategies in the “new way.”
Facilitator: Nicole Panorkou, PhD – Assistant Professor Department of Mathematical Sciences
Location: PRISM – Blanton Hall
The Bristol-Myers Squibb Center for Science Teaching and Learning
Montclair State University
Dr. Jacalyn Willis, director of PRISM and research biologist, is a member of the NJ State Leadership Team that advised the NJDOE and the Governor on the adoption; she has been a participant in national trainings in NGSS-aligned curriculum development, as well as trainings in teaching pedagogical practices crucial to implementation of the NGSS. The PRISM team has been closely involved in the development of the NGSS and the design of effective PD that follows on 12 years of US Department of Education Math-Science Partnership programs and National Science Foundation initiatives directed by Dr. Willis.
MSU Administration policies and procedures require that if you wish to receive campus privileges AS A CLINICAL FACULTY MEMBER, you must re-apply for a Campus-Wide ID number (CWID) and activate your Net ID EACH YEAR.
The MSUNER is currently in the process of e-mailing the CWID application form for the 2013-14 academic year to all current Clinical Faculty members.
- If you are a current MSU graduate student or MSU teaching adjunct faculty and already have a CWID and Net ID, please DO NOT complete this form.
- Only current Clinical Faculty members should complete and submit the CWID Application Form and only if they agree to activate their net ID to receive an MSU e-mail.
- You must activate your Net ID within 2 weeks of receiving your CWID in order to receive campus privileges offered through the MSUNER. Instructions for activating your Net ID will be provided when you receive your CWID from the MSUNER.
- Please make sure that you have submitted your most current professional e-mail address to the MSUNER. You may update your information by contacting: Please include your full name, district, and your updated e-mail.
The CWID application form may also be accessed using this link: Campus Wide ID Application Form
Please know that all information provided is strictly confidential and security measures are in place to protect your privacy.
Please contact the MSUNER Office at 973-655-5231 with any questions you may have. Thank you!
Survey About Masters of Reading and Reading Specialists
The Early Childhood, Elementary and Literacy Education Department at Montclair State University is conducting a survey to better understand the ways that schools and districts provide literacy-related training and coaching. In particular, the department is interested in assessing employment conditions for Reading Specialists and teachers who have received a Masters of Reading. The department is also exploring developing new literacy-related Masters and Certificate programs that are responsive to needs identified by those working in the field in New Jersey. In addition, the department would like to expand the type of professional development opportunities it offers, and so is interested in hearing about what types of topics and structures would be attractive to people working in different contexts.
If you are interested in sharing your thoughts about these topics and completing the survey, please click on This Link or go to the following address -
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Erik Jacobson, Graduate Program Coordinator of the Masters of Reading, at
Thank you for your time.
Please consider registering for the 2017 New Jersey Educational Technology Conference on Jan. 10 at Montclair State University. Our keynote is Alice Keeler, Google for EDU Guru and we have over 100 teacher led presentations and workshops on topics ranging from blended learning to MakerSpaces and includes two great strands focused on using technology in the library and the gifted classroom. The 2017 New Jersey Statewide Educational Technology Conference
Program Description: The purpose of the Center of Pedagogy Leadership Associates Program is to work toward developing a critical mass of leaders from the public schools, from the arts and sciences, and from teacher education who understand and are committed to the goals of simultaneous renewal of schools and to the education of educators.
Leadership Associates will work to deepen their understanding of the moral dimensions of teaching—stewardship, access, nurturing pedagogy, and democracy—and to collaborate with P-12 faculty and administrators and university education and arts/science faculty toward the renewal of schools and the preparation of educators. We will examine our roles in our respective institutions to become more effective agents for change, and propose and undertake an inquiry project to work towards these ends.
The Leadership Associates program will be held from July 9-13, 2018 on the campus of Montclair State University. The agenda will run from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm daily.
The compensation for full participation in the program during the summer and academic year will be $500 per participant. In addition, all educational materials and food (light breakfast and full lunch) will be provided.
Participants will be selected for the program by a screening committee and great efforts will be made to achieve a balance among faculty and administrators from the university and the public schools. Every attempt will be made to achieve as wide a district representation as possible. Administrator/teacher teams are encouraged to apply.
Individuals selected for this program will:
Be in a position to contribute to the goals of the program as a faculty or administrator affiliated with Montclair State University and the Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal (MSUNER);
Demonstrate a deep belief in the moral imperatives of educating the young for citizenship in a democracy;
Serve in an institutional leadership role, or have the potential for assuming a leadership role in that setting;
Demonstrate their dedication to the vision of simultaneous renewal of the schools and the education of educators;
Recognize the nature and challenges inherent in bringing about institutional change and be willing to become agents for change;
Desire to engage in critical inquiry, to examine the moral dimensions of teaching in a democracy, to reflect upon practice, and to dialogue with colleagues.
To apply, please complete and submit the following online application:
2018 Leadership Associates Program Application - Due May 4, 2018
by April 24, 2013
To participate in this brief survey, click the link below:
The Department of Secondary and Special Education:
Dual Certification MAT with a Focus on Inclusive iSTEM Education
Montclair State University is pleased to offer the Dual Certification MAT with a focus on Inclusive iSTEM Education - a specialized teacher education program that is designed to prepare highly qualified math and science teachers for inclusive middle and secondary classrooms in New Jersey and across the nation. The program integrates intensive content area preparation, inclusive pedagogy, and iSTEM education experience with integrative and carefully designed fieldwork.
An Innovative Approach for 21st Century Teaching and Learning:
- Dual certification in math or science and special education
- Focus on engineering design, problem-based learning, innovation, and evidence-based inclusive practices
- Traditional and non-traditional field experiences that are carefully supervised and integrated with coursework
- Carefully designed mentoring and induction
You are cordially invited to attend an online information session on February 28th at 12:00 with program leaders and educators to learn more about the program.
To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please complete our short survey and one of our program staff will follow up with you:</x>
The application deadline is May 15, 2013. Applications for the Dual Certification MAT will be reviewed on a rolling basis after this date until all candidates have been selected.
This is an example of how you can use the Ning blogs in your mini-course.
The participants in your course would have to be members of thing MSUNER Ning ( You also need to be 'Friends' with them on the site. The easiest way to do this is to search for them by name, then click the 'Add as a Friend' link under their name.
Within your mini-course, you can then publish blogs like this that are only visible to your friends. In the Privacy & Comments section be sure to select 'Just my friends' for 'Who can view this post?' and 'Who can comment on this post?' and your course participants will be able to see and comment on your blog posts. This is a great option for continuing the dialog outside your workshop.
Join us! The Gifted and Talented Program at Montclair State University ( has offered a diverse array of onsite courses for gifted students since 1981. Our Spring and Summer 2016 courses will be open for registration in January 2016 through our web site. We will also be offering a Wild Weather online course for grades 4-8 for Spring 2016, with plans to expand our online courses for Summer 2016. We are also looking for an additional District or two who would be interested in participating in our new Offsite Program, where we assist you with tailored G&T services for your G&T students and staff. Contact us for more information at:
For parents and educators, we are co-hosting the First Annual MSU-NJAGC Gifted and Talented Conference, featuring keynote speaker Dr. Joy Lawson Davis, an international G&T expert and Newark native who specializes in diversity and equity. A conference video option is available at a discounted rate for anyone who cannot make it to Montclair State University on Saturday, January 9th, 2016. Five dollars of each registration will be donated to the Three Doctors Foundation. Online registration is now open on our web site: . Hope to see you there!
Christopher Duvall, Associate Director
Gifted and Talented Program
Montclair State University
1 Normal Ave. Montclair, NJ 07043
The Graduate Certificate Program in Teaching Writing is designed to familiarize students with the guiding research, theory, and practice of Writing Studies, a discipline devoted to developing successful pedagogical practices for teaching writing across age, background, and ability. As many new teachers discover when they enter the classroom, English teachers are often under-exposed to theories and practices of writing instruction as part of their graduate or teacher preparatory programs. This certificate program aims to address this gap in teacher preparation at a time when national and state mandates for effective writing instruction are at an all-time high. The curriculum for the program bridges the secondary and college divide, responding to calls for better communication between secondary and college faculty, and greater support for students moving from high school to college.
The program holds the following objectives:
· Students will learn techniques for teaching planning, drafting, revision, and editing
· Students will learn how to conduct one-on-one conferences and implement peer review models in the classroom
· Students will understand and apply various methodologies for teacher research on writing
· Students will explore the challenges of marginalized writers and learn how to facilitate their writing development
· Students will study methods of evaluation and assessment of writing
· Students will gain a foundational understanding of rhetorical theories and their impact on writing techniques and pedagogies
· Students will have the opportunity to design research projects and teaching materials that are in alignment with the Common Core Standards in Writing, as adopted by the state of New Jersey.
Teachers and prospective teachers of middle school, high school, and college are especially invited to apply for this program. For interested school districts, documentation towards professional development hours for program participants is available.
Certificate students should be active participants in our graduate courses, capable of sophisticated reading and thinking.
Application; Non-Refundable $60 Application Fee; Official Transcripts; Essay; One Letter of Recommendation. Please note that additional application materials may be required for students who have completed academic work outside of the U.S. This program has rolling admission.
The full curriculum can be found below. To view course descriptions, please visit our website at
Teaching Writing Certificate:
Required Courses:
Complete for 6 semester hours:
Teaching Writing and the Basic Writer (ENWR-586)
Research in Writing Studies (ENWR-588) or equivalent, as determined by advisement
Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours from the following list:
Teaching Writing Through Literature (ENWR-583)
Graduate Writing Seminar (ENWR-590)
Rhetorical Theories and the Teaching of Writing (ENWR-598)
Seminar in Writing Studies (ENWR-600)
Application/Admissions Information: Program Information:
The Graduate School English Department
College Hall Room 203 Dickson Hall Room 468
1 Normal Ave. 1 Normal Ave.
Montclair, NJ 07043 Montclair, NJ 07043
Voice: (973) 655-5147 Voice: (973) 655-4274
Fax: (973) 655-7869 Fax: (973) 655-7031
E-Mail: Dr. Jessica Restaino, Graduate Program Coordinator
Website: E-Mail:
Math Workshops
10% discount for MSUNER Districts:
Belleville, Bloomfield, Caldwell/West Caldwell, Cedar Grove, Clifton, East Orange, Elizabeth, Englewood, Fair Lawn, GlenRidge, Hillside, Kearny, Little Falls, Livingston, Maywood, Montclair, Newark, Nutley, Parsippany/Troy Hills, Pascack Valley Regional, Passaic Valley Regional, Paterson, Randolph, Rockaway Township, South Orange/Maplewood, Teaneck, Tenafly, West Orange.
$150 per teacher
8:30a-2:30p (parking & coffee)
Reserve NOW at: Workshop registration form
2015-16 Mathematics Series: Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 7-10
Navigating 2015-16 Mathematics Standards: Teaching for Understanding with a Focus on Instruction and Assessment
1. November 13, 2015
Title: Navigating 2015-2016 Mathematics Standards: Teaching for Understanding with a Focus on Instruction and Assessment Important Beginnings
Grade Levels: K-2
Presenter: Eliza Leszczynski, Ed.D., K-12 Educational Consultant
Description: Participants will engage in an across the grades look at the Domains of “Number and Operations in Base 10” and “Operations and Algebraic Thinking.” Ready-to-use, hands-on activities focusing on the development of a strong number sense and a deep understanding of operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with numbers and related applications in real contexts will be emphasized. Participants will examine the structures of story problems and discuss student strategies occurring in the context of each problem type.
2. January 14, 2016
Title: Navigating 2015-16 Mathematics Standards: Teaching for Understanding with a Focus on Instruction and Assessment ~ Fractions, Decimals and Percents
Grade Levels: 6-8
Presenter: Eliza Leszczynski, Ed.D., K-12 Educational Consultant
Description: Come and participate in active learning about the many connections between fractions, decimals, and percents, with a focus on the across the grades look during a hands-on session. The use of multiple representations and manipulatives for fractions, decimals, and percents will be emphasized, including number lines, fraction bars, 10x10 grids, base-10 blocks, and others. Ready-to-use activities, including story problems will be examined. The connections of percents and ratios will be addressed in the context of real life problems.
3. February 11, 2016
Title: Navigating 2015-16 Mathematics Standards: Teaching for Understanding with a Focus on Instruction and Assessment ~ Problem Solving and Performance Tasks
Grade Levels: 6-8
Presenter: Deborah L. Ives, Ed.D., K-12 Educational Consultant
Description: Come and participate in active learning about the Standards and Mathematical Practices for middle grades math, with a focus on an across the grades look during a hands-on session. Using a balanced approach for all students, a link between Instructional Strategies, Grade Level Curriculum Expectations and the State Assessments will be addressed using online simulations, performance tasks, and real world applications/modeling.
4. February 19, 2016
Title: Navigating 2015-16 Mathematics Standards: Teaching for Understanding with a Focus on Instruction and Assessment ~ Fractions
Grade Levels: 3-5
Presenter: Eliza Leszczynski, Ed.D., K-12 Educational Consultant
Description: Participants will engage in an across the grades look at the Domain of “Number and Operations – Fractions” in lessons involving operations with fractions, comparison of fractions, and fraction equivalence, including meaningful strategies for connecting concrete and pictorial models of improper fractions and mixed numbers. Ready-to-use, hands-on activities, including fraction-decimal connections, and instructional strategies incorporating the use of physical manipulatives with fractions will be emphasized. Formative and summative assessment of fraction skills with be addressed.
5. March 9, 2016
Title: Navigating 2015-16 Mathematics Standards: Teaching for Understanding with a Focus on Instruction and Assessment ~ Problem Solving and the Use of Digital Tools
Grade Levels: 3-5
Presenter: Deborah L. Ives, Ed.D., K-12 Educational Consultant
Description: Participants will engage in an across the grades look at the Domain of “Number and Operations – Fractions” that will highlight expectations of problem solving and Performance Tasks. Ready-to-use, hands-on lessons and instructional strategies, differentiation and accommodations, and the use of multiple assessment and questioning techniques will be emphasized, including easily accessible digital tools.
6. March 23, 2016
Title: Navigating 2015-16 Mathematics Standards: Teaching for Understanding with a Focus on Instruction and Assessment Updates
Grade Levels: 7-10
Presenter: Deborah L. Ives, Ed.D., K-12 Educational Consultant
Description: Come learn updated information through a hands-on look at lessons and Performance Tasks with instructional strategies that focus on algebraic reasoning and sense making for middle and high school students. Real world applications will be provided through multimedia resources that help students and teachers meet the current Mathematics Standards and State Assessment expectations.
The 21st Century Teaching Skills Professional Development Certificate Program for Practicing K-12 Educators (Teachers and Administrators are welcome)