Hello Colleagues,
Please see below the Save the Dates for the Third Annual NJ Convening on Diversifying the Teacher Workforce. This Virtual Conference will happen on 4 consecutive Wednesdays in October, 2020: 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, and 10/28, 3:00- 5:00 pm. This event is sponsored by the NJ Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, the NJ Dept. of Education, and Rutgers University.
The call for proposals will follow soon.
The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans (WHIEEAA) housed at the U.S. Department of Education (ED) invites you to attend the upcoming virtual roundtable titled Reimagining Opportunities for African American Students with Disabilities on Tuesday, July 28, 2020. The event is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EST.
WHIEEAA established the African American Education (AfAmEd) Connector Roundtable Series in June 2020 to address gaps and opportunities for African Americans students and families, and to highlight programs, policies, and practices that accelerate the learning and development of Black students of all ages. The topic for this roundtable is Reimagining Opportunities for African American Students with Disabilities. In commemoration of the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), WHIEEAA would like to highlight the importance of meaningfully supporting African American students with disabilities for academic success.
This discussion, moderated by newly appointed Executive Director Terris Todd, will enable participants to have access to information, resources, best and promising practices from ED, other federal agencies, and the field. Register today.
** The Agenda for Education in a Democracy is sponsoring five free slots for MSU and MSUNER faculty. If you plan to apply and would like to claim your free slot, please email MSUNER@MONTCLAIR.EDU **
The gravity and complexity of our time continue to build as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves and more uprisings across the country unfold against massive racial disparities in police killings, use of force, arrests, imprisonment and more. Our current reality has compelled individuals across the nation to more intentionally examine education, often offering remarks along the lines of “education will never be the same.”
We also know that public education is extraordinarily resilient and often resistant to change. Yet, it is evident that people’s lives depend on this change.
For over 30 years, the National Network for Educational Renewal has promoted a compelling agenda, known as the Agenda for Education in a Democracy (AED), to ensure quality education for all and insist on educational renewal to ensure the vital role of education in a democracy. We are at a pivotal point in American history, and as educators, our role in this is integral.
This point in time offers NNER, its member settings, like-minded individuals and organizations a necessary challenge but also another opportunity to even further clarify, renew and reimagine the AED and NNER’s four-part mission:
The Summer Institute is one of NNER’s annual experiences that support educators and community leaders from across the country. The Summer Institute combines the here-and-now of school-university-community partnership work and the larger framework and long-range/historical perspective of the National Network for Educational Renewal. The Institute furthers the network of professional connections and friendships across NNER with the intention of deepening our partnership among each other as well as our local settings.
Our overarching theme, Preparing Beyond Distress: How Do We Prepare Ourselves for Innovation?, encourages us to “Remember to imagine and craft the worlds you cannot live without, just as you dismantle the ones you cannot live within” (Ruha Benjamin). We more deeply examine four areas that compel us to imagine and create the worlds we cannot live without:
Click here for a detailed Agenda Overview, including presentation topics and essential/centering questions.
To register, please visit this website. If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Wolfe Bornhorst, catherine@nnerpartnerships.org.
Dear All,
Those of you with school-age children and those in programs related to P-12 education might be interested in this 6/25/2020 document from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Tamara Lucas, Ph.D. Dean College of Education and Human Services 973-655-5167 lucast@montclair.edu |
To Register CLICK HERE
Sharing on behalf of Marilyn Davis....