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The Agenda for Education in a Democracy



“The Loving Story”

Film and Discussion


Dr. Nancy Carnevale, Department of History

Dr. Saundra Collins, Department of Psychology


Tuesday April 11th 5:30pm

Cohen Lounge, Dickson Hall



Learn the story behind the recent movie:

“When Mildred and Richard Loving were arrested in July 1958, in Virginia, for violating a state law that banned marriage between people of different races, such laws had been on the books in most states since the seventeenth century. But the Lovings never expected to be woken up in their bedroom in the middle of the night and arrested. The documentary brings to life the Lovings' marriage and the legal battle that followed through little-known filmed interviews and photographs shot for Life magazine.”



Co-sponsored by the Center of Pedagogy, African American Studies and the Department of History



Is a national film project by the National Endowment for the Humanities



For further information please contact Leslie Wilson at

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