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Announcing TEN Honors

TEN Honors Flyer png.png
Dear Colleagues,
The Transformative Education Network (TEN) at Montclair State University prepares, supports and develops teachers who teach toward antiracism and social justice. TEN’s three programs, The Urban Teacher Residency (UTR), The Newark Teacher Project (NTP) and the Critical Urban Education Speaker Series (CUE) have a shared mission of advancing racial justice in education, offering critical professional development, and actively creating an expanding network of anti-racist educators across our partner districts. We are happy to announce the TEN Honors as a way to recognize our alumni and partner district teachers who are advancing racial and social justice within their classrooms.

We invite any educators who teach in the Newark Board of Education or Orange Public Schools, or who are alumni of Montclair State University’s Transformative Education Networks teacher ed programs, UTR, NTP, or WWTF, to submit artifacts exemplifying how they promote racial or social justice in their curriculum. The deadline for submitting artifacts using this Google form is April 15, 2022.

If you would like to nominate someone else you know who is doing racial and/or social justice teaching in their classroom and meets the eligibility requirements, please complete the nomination section of the Google Form by March 1, 2022 so that we can reach out and invite them to submit artifacts.

TEN will honor two educators at our 2022 June Gathering where they will each share their project, be featured in the TEN Newsletter, and receive a special gift.

In the spirit of collaboration and to continue to grow the network of educators within the TEN community, selected entries will be added to a shared Google drive so that teachers have access to the lessons created and we can continue to inspire one another in this work.

> February 1 - April 15: Accepting submissions
> March 1 - Nominations Due
> June 1 -  Educators notified
> June 17 - TEN end of year celebration

> Currently teaching within the PK-12 grade span

> Are in a NBOE or OPS school, or an alum of MSU’s UTR, NTP, or WWTF

> Available to present at program or willing to record a video presentation if selected

Submission Requirements:
> Submissions should provide the committee with robust evidence as to what teaching for social and/or racial justice looks like in your classroom and may include any combination of the following: lesson plans, unit plans, curriculum overviews, instructional materials, short video recordings, and/or student work.

> Teaching artifacts must have been implemented within the last three years. Artifacts that are not created by the applicant should be properly cited (i.e. a Rethinking Schools lesson or a lesson from NJ’s Amistad curriculum)

> Complete the Google form to submit your artifacts and complete application

The TEN Team
Transformative Education Network (TEN)
Center of Pedagogy, Montclair State University
Main #: 973-655-6893 | University Hall - Suite 1160
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CARE-ED_EdTech_Equity Blind Spots/Trends

Dear Colleagues,
I thought this might be of interest to you.
Presented as part of the CARD-ED webinar today.

CARE-ED_EdTech_Equity Blind Spots/Trends

Marilyn R. Davis|Director | Holmes Scholar 
Network for Educational Renewal | Montclair State University

Center of Pedagogy |1st Floor, Suite 1160 | 973.655.7641 (Office)
MSU Goal #5 "Collaborating to Strengthen & Sustain the Education Community"
(We either Win as a Team or Lose as Individuals - Any Given Sunday or M - F)
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New! P-12 Computer Science Education - Certificate (Online)
Broaden your knowledge and teaching opportunities in computer science education.

Are you teaching, preparing to teach, or interested in teaching computer science education? The College of Education and Human Services is now offering a 15-credit, fully online certificate in P-12 Computer Science Education.* Coursework will cover computer science content, including coding, programming, problem-solving through computational thinking, equity and diversity in Computer Science fields, and research-based methods of teaching Computer Science. Learn more at the P-12 Computer Science Education webinar on Wednesday, September 30 at 4 p.m. EST.
*Pending State Review. Application for Spring 2021 will be available mid-September.

Virtual Learning for Students with Disabilities - Certificate (Online)
Gain skills in the most up-to-date instructional technologies and assessment methods to affect student learning outcomes.

Montclair State University is offering an online certificate in Virtual Learning for Students with Disabilities specifically designed to address the urgent challenges teachers and students are facing right now.* The two course program includes immediately applicable tools and strategies you can transition from teaching in the classroom to providing virtual instruction. This program is not just about learning new apps and programs; it’s about understanding how to use technology to create an interesting, inviting, and engaging virtual classroom for all students. Learn more at the Virtual Learning webinar on Wednesday, September 23 at 4:30 p.m.

*Pending State Review. Students are able to take program coursework at this time by submitting a Non-Degree application to The Graduate School.

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Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal (MSUNER)

Black History Month Celebration

Sponsored by:  MSUNER District Operations Committee

Laleña Garcia

(luh•LAIN•ya gar•SEE•uh, She/Her)


"Introduction to the Author and Book Read Aloud"

Readings by local people of color who have authored children's books,


(Thursday, February 25th, 4 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.)


The book was originally self-published as a collaboration between Garcia, a kindergarten teacher, and Davidson, a high school art educator, as part of their work with the Black Lives Matter @ Schools organization. Davidson observes, “Many people do not know that the BLM Global Network is rooted in the guiding principles that we explain and illustrate in this book—even people who have been actively supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. As children use this book, they are invited to share with their teachers, parents, and other adults how they experience and understand these principles according to their own lived realities.” In adapting the principles for a child audience, Garcia says, “I thought about the developmental needs of young children, the ways in which many of the principles mirrored the environments created in early childhood classrooms, and the support teachers might need in talking about a movement that some people saw as ‘controversial’ or ‘political.’”


Both creators agree these principles are visionary in nature—not reactionary. “They construct a vision for a world in which Black lives unapologetically matter, a world in which saying ‘Black Lives Matter’ is a given and never a threat; a world in which collective life is organized to restore and uplift rather than deplete Black women, Black families, queer and trans folks—and ultimately, they envision a racially just world in which white and BIPOC people are healed from the impacts of white supremacy.”


The earlier edition of the book was widely adopted by educators across the nation, and this extensively revised version has been informed by Garcia’s experience in sharing the principles with her own students and the feedback she received from other readers. “I keep hearing from teachers of high school and middle school students that the language I use, while very simple, is helpful for them in beginning to have conversations with students who have never talked about race,” she says. “I realize this is because in this country, we are all about five years old when it comes to talking about race: it’s not encouraged, so we don’t do it, which means we don’t get any practice, and so we’re not very good at it. While I wish this weren’t the case, I feel proud to have made a contribution that supports educators from pre-K to grade 12.”

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Hello Colleagues,
This article: CARE-ED Shift to Online Education During and Beyond COVID-19 is an interesting read of the impact COVID-19 has on learning during the pandemic.  Dr. Kumashiro is an Educator in California and a member of the Education Deans for Justice and Equity.
There will also be a webinar on the impact of the Pandemic on Friday, September 11, 2020, with speakers we are all familiar with.  "The Shift to Online Education During and Beyond the Pandemic".  Speakers include Christine Sleeter, Alison Dover, Ruchi Agarwal-Rangnath, Roxana Marachi, and Kevin Kumashiro.  
REGISTER HERE:  Please encourage others who might be interested to check out our brief and join the webinar.  Thanks and we look forward to seeing you there!
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Muslim American Teacher Survey


Research Participants Wanted

Reclaiming ME, a Muslim Educators Research Collective, is conducting the first national study of Muslim American teachers.  


Are you a Muslim American teacher? Do you know a Muslim American teacher? 


  We are looking for folks who: 

  • self-identify as Muslim (with varying degrees of religiosity or who identify with Muslim as a cultural category)

  • represent any racial or ethnic background

  • teach in public K-12 schools in the U.S. 

  • are adults over 18 years of age who can provide consent

  • would be willing to complete a 15-20 minute online survey


Participants are invited to complete a 15-20 minute survey. They will be asked to answer questions about their own experiences as teachers. 

We are raffling off two iPads and all participants who complete the survey are eligible to enter the raffle.

Questions, please contact:


This study has been approved by Montclair State University’s Institutional Review Board IRB-FY17-18-983


Please use the QR Code to access the survey. 



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Fall Offerings

Set your intentions for this new year & join us for one of our latest workshops!



Loving Me Enough to Just Be: Honoring the Self to Authentically Develop Your Capacity

September 14th or 16th at 7pm EST

Has your school asked you to take care of yourself, moments before sending another long list of things you must do on top of all of your actual responsibilities? Are you feeling burned out and overworked already?

Anti-racist practitioners understand the importance of resisting grind culture to honor their care. This live workshop is a call to action for all educational practitioners. It will empower, inspire, and motivate all participants to shift their mindsets toward wellness as a point of entry for developing an anti-racist praxis. The Loving Me to Just Be session will also challenge schooling institutions to evaluate their culture and values to reimagine new systems where educators can thrive as their authentic selves. Sign Up Today 

5 Considerations for Anti-Racist LGBTQ+ Affirming Schools 

September 21st or 29th at 7pm EST 

 Price: $125 


Move from one-off LGBTQ+ implementation to a more systemic, intersectional and equitable approach.


Join educator Bex Mui, M. Ed (she/her), creator of Decolonizing Gender, to gain practical yet transformative skills through these 5 key considerations.


School leaders and admin will also be guided through action planning that meets them where they are, highlighting achievable steps towards creating a more welcoming school for all.

Register now!

Self-Paced Mini-Courses

Learn With Us
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Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal

Black History Month Celebration

Sponsored by: MSUNER District Operations Coordinators


"Introduction to the Author and Reading"

Readings by people of color who have authored children's books, once each week

(this Thursday, February 18th, 4 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.)

“A Visit to the Bahamas from A-Z” by Veronica McFall

Password: 157624


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Resources for Teaching 9/11 & New Live Workshops

Curated by: Ashley Y. Lipscomb, Brittany Spatz, and Mary T. Perez 

Resources for Caring for Muslim Students When Teaching 9/11

by AYL

As we embark upon the 20th anniversary of 9/11, we are reminded by Teaching While Muslim that Muslim students and their families are still suffering the consequences of the “War on Terror” and are witnessing the oppressive tactics and policies against Muslim nations from the very country they live in. On top of all of this, Muslim students are still living in a global pandemic, those living in New Orleans and the northeast are still recovering from the devastation of hurricane Ida, facing legal discrimination against women in Texas, watching the heartache in Afghanistan persists, protesting for a free Palestine, and so much more. I center all of this as a reminder that Muslim students across our country and the globe are holding a lot this year, which means that anti-racist educators actively care for and center the experiences of Muslim students and their families by doing the work!

Below are some great resources to help guide you:


Muslim Studies Curriculum: a collaborative project between CAIR-NJ and Teaching While Muslim: a K-12 resource that provides rationales, essential questions, enduring understandings, misconceptions, classroom resources, background resources, books, and so much more!


Learning for Justice Resources: a quick search query with several articles, lesson plans, and approaches for combating Islamophobia when teaching 9/11. 


Critical Connections: an approach to teaching 9/11 while caring for Muslim students and their families. 

What We're Reading

Special Coaching Offer

Need some more support?
To assist with your back-to-school lesson planning, we are offering a HUGE discount on our one-to-one coaching. Until September 30th, you can receive private coaching for only $35. That is hands-on feedback for lesson plans, unit plans, questions you have, processing what is happening, etc.

Don't Miss Our Live Workshop Next Week!

Have you ever felt overextended and burned out? Has your school asked you to take care of yourself and then send another long list of things you must do on top of all of your other responsibilities?  

Anti-racist practitioners understand the importance of resisting grind culture to honor your care. This live workshop is a call to action for all educational practitioners. I
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Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal

Black History Month Celebration

Sponsored by: MSUNER District Operations Coordinators


"Introduction to the Author and Reading"

Readings by people of color who have authored children's books, once each week

(this Friday, February 5th, 4 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.)


“Nuri’s Tinkle Collar” by Ms. Jasmine Johnson



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