On Thursday October 29, from 7-8:30pm MSU's CEHS and Dept of TLRN are co-sponsoring a virtual panel titled, The 1619 Curriculum, The 1776 Commission, The 1776 Project: A Difference of More Than 150+ Years. The panel will discuss recent actions by the Trump Administration prohibiting coverage of anti-racist and racial sensitivity training in federal agencies, criticizing the 1616 Project and proposing patriotic education. This panel of historians and history educators will share where U.S. history begins for them and recommend strategies for teaching and learning in K-16 remote and actual classrooms.
It would be great if you and your students could attend. This is a FREE public event but seats are limited and registration is required. Attendees may register clicking here or https://montclair.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K2h8r_VBTWehfr3tXN9b7A