The College of Education and Human Services is hosting a panel discussion on April 13, entitled
Public Education in the Trump Era: A Panel Discussion.
Please save the date!
Date: Thursday, April 13
Time: 5:30 - 8:00
Place: 7th Floor Conference Center, University Hall
The election of Donald Trump has led to a dramatic shift not only in this country's leadership, but also in perceptions of some of our key democratic institutions. Among those institutions are the media, the courts, and public education.
Given our unwavering belief in the critical role of public schools in sustaining our democracy, we are sponsoring a panel discussion to examine the implications of the Trump administration for public education in the U.S. Speakers will discuss the role of education in a democracy and explore the particular roles of education at national, state, and local levels. They will consider the current and anticipated impacts of policies and actions of the Trump administration for education in national, state, and local contexts and point to ways we can support public education as a pillar of democracy.
The panelists will be Zoe Burkholder, Educational Foundations Department; Stan Karp, Education Law Center; Monica Taylor, Secondary and Special Education Department; and Leslie Wilson, History Department.
We hope you can join us. An RSVP request will follow soon.
