Title: What Can I Do For The English Language Learners In My Class?
Dates: March 7 & 14, 2013 4-7pm
Location: Central Middle School, 1620 Route 46 West, Room 403, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Instructor: Noreen M. Drucker, retired ESL teacher and member of NJTESOL-NJBE Executive Board
The focus of this workshop is on the needs of the English language learner, especially in the mainstream classroom. You will be able to meet those needs by making your lessons more effective for all of your students.
Through a series of highly participatory activities you will learn how to integrate the English language learner into your class and experience what they go through every day. Key vocabulary, relevant to test preparation, will be presented through the use of cooperative learning and kinesthetic activities.
This workshop will NOT include strategies for teaching reading and writing. Nor will it suggest materials for those areas.
Best suited for Prek-8. Classroom teachers, special subject area teachers, guidance counselors, and ESL teachers are most welcome.
Maximum Number of Participants: 26