• Jan 23, 2017 at 8:30am to Jan 30, 2017 at 3:30pm
  • Location: Montclair State University-University Hall, ADP Center 1145
  • Latest Activity: Sep 16, 2022

TITLE: Teachers As Scholars: Promoting Prosocial Behavior in the Classroom: A Multi-Tiered Systems Perspective 
DATE: January 23 & 30, 2017
TIME: 8:30-3:30 PM
LOCATION: University Hall, ADP Center Room 1145

Student discipline is cited as a top problem by 42% of teachers and more than 1 in 3 teachers (34%) have seriously considered quitting the profession because of student discipline and behavior problems. Despite the research indicating how vital behavior management is in schools, very few teachers get properly training on classroom management techniques to promote prosocial behavior (NCTQ, 2014). Most teacher training programs only cover 50% of the content for behavior management and only 10% provide explicit training with feedback (NCTQ, 2014).

This two-part series will provide comprehensive trainings on evidence-based classroom practices that promote prosocial behavior and increase student academic engagement. These strategies will be presented within a multi-tiered model framework that focuses on multiple level of services, starting off with universal strategies meant to prevent behavior problems (Tier 1), followed by targeted group strategies (Tier 2) and intensive individualized strategies for individual students (Tier 3). The trainings across these three tiers will all be interaction, providing teachers and other school professionals opportunities to work in groups, develop materials to use the strategies for their own school/classrooms and create an plan to promote successful implementation.

The first day session will focus on universal tier 1 level strategies, which when conducted effectively address 80-85% of the classroom behavior problem and as a result, constitute the most important component of classroom management. These universal strategies that will be covered consist of six core classroom management practices that include: (1) creating effective classroom rules and expectations, (2) increasing academic engagement, (3) using efficient routines, (4) engaging in active supervision, (5) building positive teacher-student relationships, and (6) effectively responding to behaviors either through acknowledgements or corrective strategies.

The second day session will focus on targeted tier 2 and intensive tier 3 strategies. The targeted strategies are able to address the group of students (approximate 10-15%) who do not respond to the universal strategies described in the first session. These tier 2 strategies consist of small group strategies such as check-in/check-out, breaks are better, social skills training and group contingencies. Finally, for the 1-5% of the students that are not responsive to both the universal or targeted strategies, individualized plans are needed at the tier 3 level. These strategies are centered around the evidence-based process of conducting a functional behavioral assessment (FBA), that determines the function of the child’s behavior and then designing strategies to address the specific behavior problems. Specifically, the model of “Prevent-Teach-Reinforce” of conducting FBAs in schools will be used to design and successfully implement an effective individualized behavior intervention plan (BIP).

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