TITLE: Teachers as Scholars-Global Environmental Change and A Sand County Almanac: What Would Aldo Leopold Think?
DATE: January 9 & 23, 2015
TIME: 8:30 AM-3:30 PM
LOCATION: Montclair State University, University Hall, January 9-Room 2002 & January 23- ADP Center, Room 1143
Aldo Leopold published A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There just prior to 1950. Leopold was gifted as both ecologist and writer, transforming his careful observations of the natural world into moving accounts of the changes wrought by human activity. Participants in this workshop will receive a copy of A Sand County Almanac to read prior to the scheduled sessions. During each session we will discuss contemporary research findings in ecology and conservation biology and attempt to address the question: "What would Aldo Leopold think?" The answer may be that long before the rest of us were even aware that we could cause global environmental change, Leopold was already thinking and writing about it.
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