TITLE: Mindful Teaching: Introduction to Contemplative Pedagogy
DATE: March 18, 2016
LOCATION: Montclair State University-University Hall, ADP Center Room 1121
TIME: 8:30 AM-3:30 PM
INSTRUCTOR: David Lee Keiser
DESCRIPTION: The stresses and pressures of classroom teaching have only deepened with increased, including a ever-changing, high-stakes testing regimen and concomitant evaluation systems. This relaxing and interactive seminar will introduce teachers and school staff to the emerging field of contemplative pedagogy, or mindful teaching. We will use an experiential introduction to mindfulness in teaching and introduce participants to the burgeoning contemplative education community in the United States and elsewhere. Teachers will reflect upon, engage with, and experience the felt sense of mindful teaching and caring in the classroom. Secular exercises, open discussion, and a sampling of short contemplative practices will deepen our learning and set intentions for future practice.
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