Title: Supporting Youth Affected by Grief, Loss and Trauma (ONLINE WORKSHOP)
Date: April 21 & 28, 2020
Time: 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM
Instructor: Lisa B. Athan

Many students today are navigating the stressors of school in addition to dealing with loss, trauma and other childhood adversity. The scope of these experiences may include: illness in the family, a death of a loved one, parental separation or divorce, deployment of a parent, fears around immigration and deportation, incarceration of a family member, addiction in the home, mental health issues, moving or even a loss of a friendship to mention a few. In this program, educators and school counselors will gain a better understanding of how ACE’s (adverse childhood experiences), toxic stress and loss can affect a student’s ability to focus, learn, connect with others and emotionally regulate themselves. Tools, evidence-based strategies and resources to support connection and resilience will be provided to help students and their families.

PLEASE NOTE: This is the same course as April 7th & 14th.  We are running a second session to accommodate all those interested in the course.


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