Title: Supporting Youth Affected by Grief, Loss and Trauma (Online)
Date: April 7 & 14, 2020
Time: 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM
Location: Zoom (Online)
Instructor: Lisa B. Athan

Many students today are navigating the stressors of school in addition to dealing with loss, trauma and other childhood adversity. The scope of these experiences may include: illness in the family, a death of a loved one, parental separation or divorce, deployment of a parent, fears around immigration and deportation, incarceration of a family member, addiction in the home, mental health issues, moving or even a loss of a friendship to mention a few. In this program, educators and school counselors will gain a better understanding of how ACE’s (adverse childhood experiences), toxic stress and loss can affect a student’s ability to focus, learn, connect with others and emotionally regulate themselves. Tools, evidence-based strategies and resources to support connection and resilience will be provided to help students and their families.

Lisa B. Athan, MA, is the Founder and Executive Director of Grief Speaks, an organization dedicated to normalizing grief and loss in our society by means of delivering informative and relevant presentations, workshops and professional training sessions in the area of grief, loss, trauma and healthy coping in the lives of children, teens and adults. She also presents on Social Emotional Learning for schools to create safe classrooms and an overall school community for students to succeed and to thrive.

Lisa has a website www.griefspeaks.com that is full of information and resources to help support children, teens and adults coping with grief and losses of all types.

Lisa serves on the NJ Traumatic Coalition for Youth in two counties: Union and Essex/ She is a lead responder and has been trained in Post-Traumatic Stress Management.

Lisa Athan has an M.A. in Counseling from MSU and is a certified Grief Recovery Specialist. She has worked in the field of mental health for many years.


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