Title: "SGO and My Learning Plan..The Stronge Method"
Dates: October 4 & 11, 2016
Time: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: Cedar Grove High School, 90 Rugby Road Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Room: A-108 (Enter by Auditorium)
Instructor: Sheila Salka
This course is designed for those using the "Stronge" evaluation system. Participants will learn the aspects of "My Learning Plan." Course work will cover how and what to upload, exemplars, evaluations, and effective ways to improve in each evaluation category and formulating SGOs.
Standards1.2 A2; 1.3 D1; 1.4 B1; 8.1 A2; 8.1 D2; 8.1 F2; 8.2 F1-2
Limit 15 Participants
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