• Jun 25, 2021 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm
  • Location: Zoom
  • Latest Activity: Sep 16, 2022

Islamophobia K-12 Curriculum

Nagla Bedir & Maheen Ahmad

Summer Conference Afternoon Session

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Registration is not required for this event. 

Please use this link to join the session on June 25th @ 1:00 PM:


There are many misconceptions about Islam that lead to negative experiences for Muslim students and teachers alike. In the current political climate, being informed about our own biases, both explicit and implicit, and combatting our misconceptions is part of the responsibility of being an educator. Students of color constantly suffer at the hands of ignorant educators, and Muslim students have been bullied by their peers and their teachers. In this workshop, we will address the basics of Islam that are necessary for one to understand that it is not a monolith. We will also address types of implicit and explicit discrimination and racism against Muslims using specific examples and ways to address these situations. Lastly, we would like to describe and discuss how we can create safe and inclusive spaces in schools for Muslim students and educators alike.


Expected Learning Outcomes: 


Attendees will walk away with:

  • A clearer understanding of Islam and its misconceptions 

  • How Islamophobia and bias show up in K-12 curriculum

  • Tips on how to create safe and inclusive spaces in school for Muslim students and educators

Nagla Bedir

Nagla Bedir holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History and Psychology from Rutgers University-New Brunswick, a Master’s Degree in Social Studies Education from the Graduate School of Education-Rutgers University, and a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from Grand Canyon University. She is currently a high school social studies teacher in an urban district in New Jersey and also currently serves as a researcher on the Reclaiming Muslim Educators Team through Montclair State University. Bedir is also an Instructor for the Rutgers Newark Urban Education program and the founder and executive director of Teaching While Muslim. 


Maheen Ahmad

A graduate of Teachers College and Montclair State University, Maheen Ahmad is a middle school English teacher in West Orange, New Jersey. She is passionate about infusing technology to foster rich, student-centered classrooms and about empowering students to love who they are and where they come from. She is also a researcher on the Reclaiming Muslim Educators Team through Monclair State University and a part of the Teaching While Muslim team. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, baking, and finding new ways to challenge herself.

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