TITLE: How to Design Thematic Units Based on Legends and Traditional Tales for Teaching World Languages
DATE: December 2, 2015
TIME: 4:30 PM-7:30 PM
LOCATION: Hillside School, Room 3, 54 Orange Road, Montclair, NJ 07042
INSTRUCTOR:Piedad Gutierrez
This mini-course will include selecting a legend or tale appropriate for grade and language levels; dividing a tale into scenes; writing stories and/or dialogues; identifying topics for reflection and conversation; and searching for authentic texts.
Participants will be presented a model tale which allows to identify the high frequency vocabulary and structures; define the characters and skeleton stories per each section and find and create readings. Participants will work in small groups and produce the content for different lessons following the story line of the legend or tale. The facilitator will offer specific strategies for telling and discussing the tales with students of different ages and language levels.
This course is intended for teachers of all languages and grades 3 to 12.
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