• May 5, 2020 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm
  • Location: Zoom Online
  • Latest Activity: Sep 16, 2022

Title: Google Classroom
Date: MAY 5, 2020
Time: 4:00 PM- 5:30 PM
Instructor: Samantha Morra

Google Classroom helps teachers create assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and communicate with students with ease. It is an excellent tool for distributing documents and resources to students. It simplifies how students receive and submit work and provide flexibility to engage students in collaborative and constructive learning activities. There have been many updates to Google classroom recently so we will explore those new features as well.


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  • Not sure if registered?  Would like to register....and it seemed to take may registration, but not sure

  • Can't seem to figure out how to register as well! Would very much like to register.

  • Hi, 

    I want to sign up for this workshop, but I can’t find how to register 

  • Please let me know if I am signed up for this online workshop. Thank You!

  • Hi!  How do I register for this?  I can't seem to find how to sign up for the meeting. Thank you

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