• Oct 12, 2019 from 9:00am to 12:00pm
  • Location: Montclair State University - ADP Center
  • Latest Activity: Sep 16, 2022

Title: Embracing Diversity to Maximize Student Success
Date: October 12, 2019
Time: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Location: Montclair State University - ADP Center, Main Room
Instructor: Amir Billups

This workshop encourages and supports teacher exploration of the alignment of community agreements and district and school expectations for students. Teachers will use self-reflection as a tool to explore teacher practice and student perceptions of teacher practice. We will discuss "growth mindset" (Dweck) and the power of spoken word (macro versus micro messaging) as a lens for revisiting school based issues.

Workshop Goals:

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:
Better assess obstacles to student achievement
Explain the difference between a growth and fixed mindset
Define micro-messages, micro-affirmations, and micro-inequities
Assess the impact of micro-messaging in schools
Develop a plan to use positive micro-messages in the classroom

Brief Bio: Amir Billups, Educator

K-12 Educator
Teacher of Future Teachers
Father, Brother, Son
Community Organizer

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  • Will you have this course @ pm later on maybe?

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