Title: Divide and Conquer: Intro. to Co-Teaching
Date: March 10, 2016
Time: 4:00-7:00 PM
Instructors: Lucy Villaluz & Jean Ann Slusarczyk
Location: Montclair State University, Student Center- Room 417
Calling all Cooperating Teachers! Are you ready to experience a new and exciting way to mentor a new teacher? Do you want to sharpen your skills and improve your effectiveness as a Cooperating Teacher? Then this workshop is for you. The diversity of today's classrooms require teachers to work collaboratively to meet the individual needs of students. This course will provide an overview of collaborative teacher strategies that will increase student productivity and performance. It will address the challenges of sharing your class with a student teacher. This engaging workshop will also hone your reflective skills while you explore the possibility of a deeper collaboration that will apply to all co teaching situations.
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