• May 17, 2011 from 5:00pm to 6:30pm
  • Location: Room 1010, University Hall
  • Latest Activity: Sep 16, 2022

The College of Education and Human Services Dean's Lecture Series Presents


Drew H. Gitomer-ETS Distinguished Researcher and Senior Director of Understanding Teaching Quality Center 

Measuring Teaching Quality in Algebra Classrooms: Implications for Policy and Practice                                     (A Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) study funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011, 5:00-6:30 p.m.

Room 1010, University Hall, Montclair State University

Drew Gitomer is an ETS Distinguished Researcher and Senior Director of Understanding Teaching Quality Center.  He was Senior Vice-President of Research and Development at ETS from 1999 through 2004.  As of Fall 2011, he will join the faculty of Rutgers University as the Rose and Nicholas DeMarzo Chair in the Graduate School of Education.

His research interests include policy and evaluation issues related to teacher education, licensure, induction and professional development.  His studies have focused on enhancing the validity base for teacher licensure assessments (Praxis™) and advanced certification of teacher assessments (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards).  He is currently the principal investigator for research efforts sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the WT Grant and Spencer Foundations targeted at developing and understanding potential measures for understanding teaching quality

Dr. Gitomer’s research has also focused on the design of assessments, particularly those that support the improvement of instruction.  From 1991 to 1995, Dr. Gitomer was the NSF project co-director with the University of Pittsburgh for SEPIA, Science Education through Portfolio Instruction and Assessment.  He also was project co-director with Harvard University of Arts PROPEL, a portfolio assessment effort funded by the Rockefeller Foundation involving middle and high school teachers and students in music, visual arts, and writing.

He is currently co-editing the fifth edition of the Handbook of Research on Teaching.  Recent activities include serving as editor of Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis from 2006-2009 and as editor of the recent volume Measurement Issues and Assessment for Teacher Quality.  He has also been a member of the AERA Consensus Panel on Research on Teacher Education and the National Academy of Education’s Standards and Assessment Working Group.  He continues to serve on a variety of technical advisory panels and boards. Dr. Gitomer completed his PhD at the University of Pittsburgh’s Learning Research and Development Center in Cognitive Psychology.


*Advance registration is not required. Parking is available in the Red Hawk Deck for a nominal fee. For directions to MSU and the Red Hawk Deck, please go to http://www.montclair.edu/welcome/directions.html

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