Title: Avoid Burnout; Rekindle Your Fire
Date: May 21, 2019
Time: 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: Memorial Middle School- Room 301 - 500 Ridge Road Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Instructor: Lia Caravella & Nicole DeFilippo
A teacher is like an athlete, we need to use our mind, body and soul. In order to energize ourselves and prevent teacher burnout, we have to take some time to achieve balance in our daily lives. Since teacher burnout is an epidemic and 40 to 50 percent of new teachers leave in the first five years, we need to develop strategies to decrease teacher burnout and increase teacher resilience. (Ingersoll 2012). In order to inspire, excite and refocus our inner teacher “super powers.” This mini - course will provide you with important strategies for preventing teacher burnout and tips to get you through the end of the school year.