Title: 2014 MSUNER Summer Conference
"Thinking Outside the Box: Meaningful Learning, the Common Core, and Student Achievement."
Date/Time: June 27, 2014, 8:00 am-3:30 pm
MSU, University Hall - 7th Floor Conference Center
This year's theme focuses on the need to keep meaningful learning at the heart of what we do in our schools. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Tracey Severns, Chief Academic Officer of the NJDOE, will be the keynote speaker.
Please see registration form for further details about the conference.
There is on-line registration only at:
I am trying to register for the June 27th conference and cannot seem to be able to register.
Thank you,
Pat Duddy
I tried to register for the conference, by I received a message that the "survey is closed."